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Running around all weekend long?  Work late hours?  Have to run kids here and there, cook dinner, clean the house, play games, do laundry, grocery shopping, and maybe just maybe actually take that shower you’ve been dreaming of?  Yeah, that’s what we like to call life.  Always going, never slowing down.

For instance, we all know that I work a full-time day job.  Sometimes I manage to get a post in here or there on this here site.  More often than not, you’ll find me sitting on a computer after I get home from work and trying to design some sort of document for upcoming plans.  (There are big things coming, I promise)  My time is spread so thin these days that I’m back to averaging 4-5 hours of sleep a night.

I always make time to play with the kiddo’s, though.  That’s pretty high up on the importance list.  I also manage to make time for the hubs.  He’s pretty darn important, too.  What I can’t figure out is how to make time to get on here and post more frequently.  The struggle is real.  I want to do so much, I have list after list of blog posts, but when I finally sit down to write it up, I’m beaten, worn and just plain old done.  Really, I want to write.  I want to tell you all these amazing things about life and the universe, but when it comes down to getting those words out, life has happened so much that I can even begin to phrase a sentence.

So here we are, at approximately 11:30 pm on a Sunday night.  Kids to bed for a few hours, husband snoring as peacefully as he can (he’s sick), and I’m finally getting to a post, who knows how long ago that last was.

What have I been up to that’s been distracting me?  Sick kids, yup, both of them.  Ri has pneumonia.  She’s been megadosed with antibiotics, breathing treatments, and very protective parents and grandparents surrounding her.  Having pneumonia is tough if you’re a normal kid.  Add in medically fragile and you’re just more on edge than normal as a parent.

Then, of all the things to take the wind out me, I go into AJ’s room to make sure he’s doing his bedtime thing, which he was and fully clothed for once this weekend.  I’m checking out his fish tank, we’ve had some bad luck and I wanted to make sure all the new additions and our lone survivor from the last round of sacrificial animals were still swimming.  The one fish I picked out, my little tiny panda catfish, we affectionately named Wonton, wasn’t moving.

Now, you see, Wonton wasn’t known for his swimming around actively, he liked to hang out at the bottom and just sit.  So I tapped the glass like a moron, to see if this fish would move.  Nothing.  I turned the lights on and off.  Nada.  I took the longest object that could go in water I could find in my son’s room to see if I could get this little sucker to move.  I found a plastic sai. There I am, trying to be a ninja and hope my son continues to waste more water and toothpaste in the bathroom while I poke around this fish tank with a plastic sai.

Not only do I confirm the death of my little panda catfish, Wonton, I also manage to halfway bury him under the fluorescent purple pebbles that cover the bottom of the fish tank.  I failed.  I couldn’t keep the stupid fish alive, and then I couldn’t even manage to confirm his death without making it painfully obvious that the thing was dead.


Age Unknown, Died 2018

I regret to inform you, that our beloved Wonton, has had an untimely death. Wonton was a good fish.  He spent his time swimming near the bottom of the tank and avoiding any contact with the other fish with whom he shared a residence. He is survived by his three roommates, Ying, Yang, and Velvet, as well as his owners, AJ & Riley.  In lieu of flowers, we ask that a small donation be made by making your typical Amazon purchase by clicking on any of our internal Amazon affiliate links.  We appreciate your understanding during this difficult time.


Here’s hoping you all have a wonderful week.  And please, no more fish.  The slaughter has to end.

Sara Signature

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Sara is a mother of two, wife and full-time employee. She's also a parent of a child with special needs.