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With the latest natural disasters, it’s important to take a moment and talk about emergency planning. Emergency planning isn’t easy, but a free checklist can help get you started. Lucky for you, I’ve attached one to this post for you, for FREE!
I know, no one likes to talk about planning, because, let’s face it, it’s not fun. I know, I’ve been there. You’re staring at the weather channel for what feels like hours deciding what you’re next move should be. Is this storm coming towards us? Should we put up shutters? When should we put up shutters? Should we plan for evacuation? So many questions, and at the end of the day, it’s a judgment call… well, in most cases.
As you may know, we live in hurricane alley. I have a pretty long post already planned, but with Florence so recently devastating the Carlina coast, I thought I’d hold off on it. There will be a pretty hefty printable binder coming up for emergency planning purposes, it’s just not quite finished yet. So I thought I would get a freebie out for all to use. You can download the free checklist here.
Emergency planning is fairly straightforward, it’s just the execution of the planning that isn’t that much fun. As a special needs parent, time isn’t always in abundance. Making the time to make an emergency plan is a real struggle. I, for one, would much rather take some time to sleep. I really do love sleep.
Honestly, all you need to do is download the free checklist, read over it, and think about the things that you may need to take action on. Do you have enough water on hand? Batteries? Do you have a list of contacts if you need to evacuate? How about doctors?
As a special needs parent, if I can advise you on one key item that you have to do in advance, at least in the state of Florida. You must pre-register to use shelters designated for special needs. Even if you don’t plan on using the facilities, please pre-register.
Also a fun fact, you don’t have to be staying at a shelter, any shelter, to use their facilities. Say, for instance, you have no power at your house for an extended period of time, but you need to have medication refrigerated. You can use your local shelter for that purpose.
There you have it. Emergency planning is a pain, but a necessary evil. Download the free checklist here to help you in your emergency planning process.
Thanks for stopping by!
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